We didn't try this in Brazil, but when I tried it at the neighbor's cooking class it was obviously Brazilian. In Brazil, they call limes lemons, and use sweetened condensed milk in so many things. True Brazilian sweetened condensed milk is slightly different, not quite as sweet and thick as ours. This can not be made very far in advance as it spoils quickly, thus you wouldn't want to use it for a party, but your family will ask for it frequently, once they have tried it.
1 cup sugar
6 cups cold water
4 juicy limes (smooth, thin skinned limes are juiciest and least bitter)
5-7 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
Crushed ice
Mix cold water and sugar until sugar dissolved. let chill until ready to use. (this part can be made in advance).
Wash limes really well with soap. You will need to get the wax and pesticides off they skins as you using the whole lime. Cut the ends off, then cut into eighths.. Place half the limes in the blender and half the sugar water. Pulse 5 times (or more if necessary) to release the flavors. Place a strainer over the pitcher you are serving out of and pour mixture through the strainer. With a spoon press out the rest of liquid. Repeat with remaining limes and sugar water. Whisk in the sweetened condensed milk and serve over lots of ice. Serving cold is important.